This week we took a trip to the cabin. Here's a bit about the cabin. My in laws (lovely people by the way) bought a cabin in western Wisconsin about 4 years ago. It is on a modest lake and the original cabin was modest too. Unfortunately with in the first year after trying to gut it to fix many of it's issue my in laws came to the determination that the cabin was in such poor disrepair they just weren't sure what could be done with it. After meeting many times with contractors and trying to get a construction plan passed with the county it was determined that because the original cabin was built too close to the lake for modern standards that the only way they were going to be completely happy with the rehab was to tear down the original cabin and to build a totally new one. So down came the original cabin and up went a new one. Luckily my in laws had truly loved the little old cabin they had bought and tried to keep they new cabin very similar but just slightly larger and less infested.

Why am I sharing this on my vintage style blog? Well when ever I am at the cabin it brings back memories of visiting my grandparents cabin. And well we always go antiquing while we are up here. Besides enjoying the lake one of my favorite cabin activities. The picture above is the lake and the tree was a pine tree that had survived over a hundred years but came down last year (much to all of our sadness) in some straight line winds. We were very lucky that it did not come down on the cabin and that it was one of the only trees to fall (we did lose 2 or three more). Some friends of ours just a few miles away lost just about all their trees and went from having a lovely wooded lot to one that looked like it had been clear cut.
Every cabin up here seems like it has to have chainsaw art bear. This one is in rough shape but it came with the old cabin so we put it out to greet visitors.
One of my favorite parts left over from the old cabin is the Bunkhouse. A little rustic cabin in the woods no water no electricity but very cute and cozy (a good place to take a nap on a lazy afternoon).
Isn't the inside cute? This little 50's dinette came with the original cabin and I believe was in the bunkhouse when the cabin, land and buildings were purchased. It has two twin beds and my mother in law went with the western theme since well, it is called the bunkhouse.
As this area tends to be a vacation destination there is no shortage of antique stores. One we have visited in the past but hadn't been to in a while is one that used to be called Poor Richards. I am not sure if it is still called this as I didn't see a sign this time other than ANTIQUES and as the prices have risen dramatically since we started visiting it I am thinking Richard is not so poor anymore.
Disclaimer: I have to warn you that in order to keep my 4 year old out of trouble I had to hand him my camera. Hey moms helpful hint when taking a small child into antique store handing them a camera and asking them to take pictures of both what you like and what they like can really help keep them out of trouble. Instead of picking up delicate items they are taking pictures of them.
OK so hopefully you get the idea of how packed with stuff this place is. When the kids asked me what they sell? I said everything and I think this is quite literally true in the yard alone I saw everything from boats to bathroom sinks. The kids begged me to by them the worlds smallest violin complete with case and a sword. Here is what I opted for instead.
A 39 Philco table top, a cigarette lighter for the Mr LV (luckly he no longer smokes cigarettes but does enjoy collecting smoking paraphanelia). Mr LV has also been learning to restore old radios and while this Philco may look rough right now he will have it cleaned up and working soon ( I will post more about our radio collection another day).
Hope you all have a great Week End I know we will!!!!