How exciting an Award and my very first as I have only been blogging since December. Thanks to Lina Sofia at spiffingsporadics I have really enjoyed reading others blogs and am very humbled that people read and follow mine. OK so with the award you are supposed to share 7 things about yourself. Where to start.
1. I am a high school art teacher. Right now I am teaching drawing, ceramics and a mixed media class.
2. I have been collecting vintage since I myself was in high school. In fact some of my old friends on face book just reminded me of how I introduced them to some of my favorite vintage shops back then.
3. I have a lovely husband who is a barber. In fact this last year he was able to purchase his own Barber Shop I am very proud of him it was a brave move and it has been difficult he is working hard to make it a success. Here we are in Vegas right before our Wedding via Elvis impersonator.
4. I have two sons whom I love dearly one is nine going on fifteen and the other is three and wanting to stay a baby. They definitely keep life interesting there is never a dull moment in my house although my nine year old would tend to disagree.
5. In college the main are media I preferred was glass. I really enjoyed blowing glass and hope to do it again some day.
6. I own a 1959 Chevy Brookwood wagon.
7. I love to dance and used to go out 5 nights a week swing dancing before kids and husband. I don't get many chances anymore so this year I decided that I should find a new dancing outlet so I am taking a belly dancing class (something I can do myself with out my husband as he is very self conscious about dancing).
Ok so that is the 7 things about me my nominations for other blogs for this award are:
Ok thats all for now take care everyone.
So much fun to find out a bit more about your life! and WOW, you looked amazing on your wedding day *wolf whistle*! You look like a lovely couple. And your car... ahh, beautiful! x