Friday, April 8, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Flowers, Oh My

Ok its been a really long week.  Last Sunday night Mr Living Vintage and I took our 3 year old to the circus.  I don't think it gets much more vintage than the circus.  We saw trapeze artist, lion and tiger tamer, clown of course, jugglers, a dog act and my favorite a quick change act and that was just the first half then our son got tired and wanted to go home right when the bare back rider was coming out.  Oh well I will definitely make an effort to take him again it was fun and honestly I don't think I have been to a circus since I was his age.

I love these vintage Ringling Bros Posters although we went to a Shiners circus and I checked but the Ringling Brother/ Barnum and Baily circus do not come to our city.

And here we all are at the circus.

And on last thing is that if finally felt like spring this week despite still having some big piles of snow around it has been in the sixties the last couple of days and look what I have in my front yard. Yeah crocus flowers I think they are my favorite just because the winters here can be so long and they are the first flowers I have seen in a long time.

Finally a package arrived for me today, it was my Bell Blossom flower of the month.  Lisa Freemont Street has mentioned this on her blog and I decided to take the plunge.  I almost don't want to open the package when it arrives it is so pretty.

This month was a beautiful pink azalea.  Love it I will have to set my hair tonight and wear it tomorrow!!

If you haven't  checked out Lisa Fremont Pages blog here is the link and here is the link to the Belle Blossom website
hope you all had a good week good bye for now


  1. Beautiful! Clip flower is really beautiful and you look great. Looks like you really enjoyed the circus, it's always nice to enjoy an afternoon of fun with the family.

  2. Wowza! Dalton looks just like you! We've yet to try the circus with our kids, but maybe this summer...I know they'd love it.

  3. Rosy after we went to the circus I watched a show about the Big Apple circus and became fascinated and would some day like to run away with the circus.

    Bopeep funny you say that because everyone that knows my husband talks about how much he looks like his dad. I never see it like others do he just looks like himself to me.

    1. Prima di andare al circo guarda i video delle torture disumane agli elefanti. Gli animali soffrono non sono felici sono abusati. I bambini sono ingannati

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
